SERTO Radial Fittings
SERTO manufactures the unique “Radial tube union system” in stainless steel, brass, steel and offers a wide range of valves and PVDF / PA-fittings.
VIDEOS: The advatages of the SERTO standard solution:
1. Radial Dismantling

Radial Dismantling
Non-destructive disassembly allows repeated mounting that saves time and money, avoiding cost for replacement of unions and tubes.
Eliminates tube bending or straining for dismounting that reduces disassembly time.
2. Easy Mounting

The Order of Mounting is not Important
No need for special assembly tools. This saves costs.
Pre-mounting in workshop, making installation at site fast and simple.
Allows free choice of sequence for tube installation - simplifies assembly.
3. Flat Face Sealing

Flat Face Sealing
Eliminates a problem of wear-out of O-rings or other gaskets, because no gaskets are needed. This avoids maintenance time and cost.
4. Compression Ferrule

Serto Connection
Does not bite into tube allowing to use thin-walled pipes. This saves cost and weight.
Resistant against high vibration - avoids downtime.
Permits mounting metal unions on plastic tubes – saves labor cost and time for bending
5. High Modularity

Module System
Allows connecting different tube diameters, thread types and sizes – reduces amount of unions, sealing areas, mounting time and cost.
6. “CAD online-library”
Download of STEP files from “CAD-Library“ - speeds up design work.